Hello dear blog!!
You missed me??

I’ve been on total M.I.A mode.. for months..and its been good! Sometimes you just need to relax and live a little, right?

So now I'm back from a month vacation in Asia..
Oh my what a pleasant time I had roaming the beaches of the Andaman sea.. I cant explain how uplifting and soul nourishing this trip has been,
so I will leave it at that... =)

And now I'm back in Sweden…COLD Sweden. DARK Sweden… I need to stay away from Sweden during winters...This country sucks all the life energy out my body during the winter, I guess being deprived from sunlight does that to you... BUT on a positive note...
we have sunlight 24/7 during summertime....
trippy right? =)

Dear summer..hurry up hurry up!!!

Anywho..I'm thinking of a Masterplan….
While I am busy doing that enjoy some photos…



On a Island Somewhere

( Photoalbum)

